JavaScrip :Dropdown Menu

In computing with graphical user interfaces, a drop-down list is a user interface control GUI element ("widget" or "control"), similar to a list box, which allows the user to choose one value from a list. When a drop-down list is inactive, it displays a single value. When activated, it displays (drops down) a list of values, from which the user may select one. When the user selects a new value, the control reverts to its inactive state, displaying the selected value. It is often used in the design of graphical user interfaces, including web design.

JavaScript (JS) is an interpreted computer programming language It was originally implemented as part of web browsers so thatclient-side scripts could interact with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that was displayed. More recently, however, it has become common in both game development and the creation of desktop applications.

var menuOpen : boolean; // Whether or not the menu window is open
var menuRect : Rect; // The rectangle for the menu button
var menuWindowRect : Rect; // The rectangle for the menu window
var entryStyle : GUIStyle; // The style for the entries in the menu window
function Start() // This function runs once on object creation
menuRect.x = menuRect.x * Screen.width; // Resize the two rects as a percentage of the screen width and screen height
menuRect.y = menuRect.y * Screen.height;
menuRect.width = menuRect.width * Screen.width;
menuRect.height = menuRect.height * Screen.height;
menuWindowRect.x = menuWindowRect.x * Screen.width;
menuWindowRect.y = menuWindowRect.y * Screen.height;
menuWindowRect.width = menuWindowRect.width * Screen.width;
menuWindowRect.height = menuWindowRect.height * Screen.height;
function OnGUI() // This function runs multiple times per frame
GUI.Button(menuRect, "Test Menu"); // Create the menu button
if (menuOpen) { // If the menu is open
GUI.Window(2, menuWindowRect, WindowFunc, ""); // Create the menu window
function Update() // This function runs once a frame
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { // If the user presses the left mouse button
if (Input.mousePosition.x > menuRect.x && Input.mousePosition.x < menuRect.x + menuRect.width && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y > menuRect.y && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y < menuRect.y + menuRect.height) { // If the mouse is currently inside the button rect
menuOpen = !menuOpen; // Open or close the menu
if (menuOpen) { // If the menu is open
if (Input.mousePosition.x < menuRect.x || Input.mousePosition.x > menuRect.x + menuRect.width || Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y < menuRect.y || Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y > menuRect.y + menuRect.height + menuWindowRect.height) { // If the mouse position is outside the window or menu
menuOpen = false; // Close the menu
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { // If the user lets up the mouse button
if (Input.mousePosition.x > menuWindowRect.x && Input.mousePosition.x < menuWindowRect.x + menuWindowRect.width && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y > menuWindowRect.y && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y < menuWindowRect.y + menuWindowRect.height * .25) { // If the mouse is over the new file button
Debug.Log("New File Up"); // Print out a debug message
if (Input.mousePosition.x > menuWindowRect.x && Input.mousePosition.x < menuWindowRect.x + menuWindowRect.width && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y > menuWindowRect.y  + menuWindowRect.height * .25 && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y < menuWindowRect.y + menuWindowRect.height * .5) { // If the mouse is over the load file button
Debug.Log("Load File Up"); // Print out a debug message
if (Input.mousePosition.x > menuWindowRect.x && Input.mousePosition.x < menuWindowRect.x + menuWindowRect.width && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y > menuWindowRect.y  + menuWindowRect.height * .5 && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y < menuWindowRect.y + menuWindowRect.height * .75) { // If the mouse is over the save file button
Debug.Log("Save File Up"); // Print out a debug message
if (Input.mousePosition.x > menuWindowRect.x && Input.mousePosition.x < menuWindowRect.x + menuWindowRect.width && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y > menuWindowRect.y  + menuWindowRect.height * .75 && Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y < menuWindowRect.y + menuWindowRect.height) { // If the mouse is over the quit button
Debug.Log("Quit Up"); // Print out a debug message
function WindowFunc(windowID : int) // This function controls the contents of the window that calls the function
if (GUI.Button(Rect(0, 0, menuWindowRect.width, menuWindowRect.height * .25), "New File", entryStyle)) { // If the user clicks the new file button
Debug.Log("New File Click"); // Print a debug message
if (GUI.Button(Rect(0, menuWindowRect.height * .25, menuWindowRect.width, menuWindowRect.height * .25), "Load File", entryStyle)) { // If the user clicks the load file button
Debug.Log("Load File Click"); // Print a debug message
if (GUI.Button(Rect(0, menuWindowRect.height * .5, menuWindowRect.width, menuWindowRect.height * .25), "Save File", entryStyle)) { // If the user clicks the save file button
Debug.Log("Save File Click"); // Print a debug message
if (GUI.Button(Rect(0, menuWindowRect.height * .75, menuWindowRect.width, menuWindowRect.height * .25), "Quit", entryStyle)) { // If the user clicks the quit button
Debug.Log("Quit Click"); // Print a debug message

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